Monday, October 26, 2009

Monday One

iGoogling With the Library: Customized Omnipresent Homepages
10:15 AM – 11:00 AM - DeAnza I & II (Portola)
Jason A. Clark, Digital Initiatives Librarian, Montana State University Libraries
Tim Donahue, Instruction Librarian, Montana State University

Imagine your users’ customized homepages populated with miniature library applications that serve to both push library content out to where users are and hook them back into your own library web spaces. With tens of millions of iGoogle users, such library-rich personalized information portals are now a reality. Find out how MSU Libraries has exploited Google gadget API technology to allow students to create their own search dashboards filled with library modules. Learn how to populate basic, preprogrammed, ready-to-use gadgets with your library’s content and take a look at an iGoogle page that contains a wide range of gadgetry including tabbed gateway searching of catalogs and databases, flash-animated library subject maps, a YouTube channel of library videos, Flickr slideshows of rare photographs from MSU Libraries’ special collections, a search box for local electronic theses and dissertations, a gadget of highlights and links to the MSU Libraries blog, and a gadget for communicating with reference librarians—all on one webpage!

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