Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Tuesday Three

Cybertour Wikipedia
Brenda Hough, Continuing Education Consultant, Northeast Kansas Library System
This cybertour highlights ways in which Wikipedia is being used, the nitty-gritty details of how it is edited, and discusses implications for information professionals as we design and direct individuals to information sources

Extreme Makeover: Redesigning Digital Services
4:15 PM – 5:00 PM - Steinbeck Forum (Conference Center)
Kara Reuter, Digital Library Manager, Worthington Libraries
Char Booth, E-Learning Librarian, University of California, Berkeley

In the era of Web 2.0, libraries can offer a wider variety of digital services than ever before, but how do you decide which services? Reuter outlines the comprehensive process used by Worthington Libraries to complete the recent redesign of the library website and to determine their range of digital services. Learn how the libraries incorporated the extensive feedback gathered to deliver a usable new website and dynamic online presence. Booth considers how environmental scanning and other methods of user research can inform library decision-making. She discusses her April
Rockin’ Battle Decks
7:30 PM – 9:00 PM - DeAnza I & II (Portola)

HOST: Janie Hermann, Princeton Public Library
MUSICIANS: Richard Geiger, Information & News Consultant, & Tim DeWolf, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
PRESENTERS: Greg Schwartz, Louisville Free Public Library; Amy Buckland, McGill University; Nancy Dowd, State Library of New Jersey; Michael Porter, WebJunction; Michael Sauers, Nebraska Library Commission
JUDGES & SLIDE CREATORS: Sarah Houghton-Jan, San Jose Public Library; Aaron Schmidt, DCPL; Amanda Etches-Johnson, McMaster University; Jeff Wisniewski, University of Pittsburgh; Rebecca Jones, Dysart & Jones Associates; Stephen Abram, SirsiDynix; Richard Hulser, Library Consultant

Join our evening of fun and music featuring our first-ever “Battle Decks Spectacular!” Also known as “PowerPoint Karaoke,” our willing participants make a coherent presentation based on hand-selected, seemingly unrelated slides that they see for the first time live on stage. After a fantastic musical interlude, the participants face judgment, with the winner to be determined based on overall awesomeness. Hilarity, along with some learning, is guaranteed for all!

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