Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Tuesday Two

Web 2.0 for Tough Times
11:30 AM – 12:15 PM - DeAnza I & II (Portola)
Ms. Jaye A. H. Lapachet, Manager of Library Services, Coblentz, Patch, Duffy & Bass LLP
Camille Reynolds MLS, Director, Research & Information Services, Nossaman LLP
Kendra K. Levine, Librarian, Institute of Transportation Studies Library

In tough economic times, it is important to maximize information and knowledge management efforts by using cost-effective tools to repurpose information the library staff is already gathering. Law libraries are often behind the times in terms of technology; however, Lapachet and Reynolds discuss Web 2.0 tools for the intranet to refeed information to attorneys, using 2.0 tools to push the boundaries of information-sharing and collaboration in the law firm/corporate environment, as well as some of the successes and failures of the tools tried. Levine discusses how transportation libraries are engaging their organizations with new technologies and education to
impact all users. She illustrates with a website put together for the transportation industry.

Archive Metamorphosis: Caterpillar to Social Computing Butterfly
3:15 PM – 4:00 PM - DeAnza I & II (Portola)
Gerry Lukos, Research Analyst, Intel Library, Intel Corporation
Jody Hopper, Program/Project Manager, Intel Library, Intel Corporation
Carlotta Knapo, Project Manager, Intel Lilbrary Web & Systems Group, Intel Corporation

Intel Library’s Virtual Research Library (VRL) database was initially developed to enable company employees to access technical papers and presentations authored by other Intel employees. Through the years, the VRL has taken on more “duties,” features have been added to enhance usability, and historical content has been added to make the content more robust. Presenters discuss how the VRL has evolved from a simple document archive to a sophisticated tool that Intel authors use to initiate and track the manuscript approval process required by the legal department. We will also show Web 2.0 features that are being added to increase the value of the VRL for employees who use it to research technology questions and how the content is being repurposed to create new products, including an expert-finding tool.

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